Caractéristiques et avantages
5 milliards de probiotiques CFU PROLIFETM par portion
25g de protéines par portion
100 % lactosérum de Nouvelle-Zélande. Non-OGM ; Sans antibiotiques, hormones et pesticides
100% naturel. Sans conservateurs, colorants, blé, gluten, levure, arômes artificiels ou édulcorants.
New Zealand has the highest standards in the industry when it comes to dairy farming, which ensures that the milk will be clean and free from growth hormones, antibiotics, and pesticides. Additionally, and importantly, it ensures that cattle are cared for and treated ethically. This is the cleanest and healthiest protein available.
The Schinoussa formula is what separates us from the herd, literally. Our eight-probiotic blend allows both the protein and digestive system to perform better. Proteins breakdown into amino acids faster and are absorbed faster in the muscle and immune system. The gut is stronger to improve immune response, healing and overall well-being. Finally a protein without bloating, gas or digestive stress. Made with all-natural ingredients and tastes amazing. 25 g protein, no fat, carbohydrates, sugars or lactose. No soy, gluten, or wheat.
New Zealand whey protein isolate, Lactobacillus acidophilus, Lactobacillus caseium, Lactobacillus bulgaricus, Lactobacillus rhamnosus, Licotalab Bifidobacterium bifidus, Bifidobacterium longum, Inulin, Protese, Vanila beans, Sevia Rebaudiana Leaf Extract (Sweetener).
25 g of protein per serving, 0g sugar, no carbs, lactose free & no gluten.
Utilisation recommandée
Ajouter 1 cuillère (30 g) à 250 ml d'eau ou de smoothie.
Précautions et avertissements
Mentions légales
Nous vous recommandons fortement de toujours lire les étiquettes, les instructions et les avertissements des produits et de ne pas vous fier uniquement aux informations fournies en ligne par Healthtree.